Colgate Women’s Game has been around almost as long as I’ve been alive, 45 years to be exact. My sisters, cousins and I use to run track when we were younger and had a reputation for being extremely fast, especially my cousin Simeko.  No surprise that at least one of my three daughters would take to the sport consistently and not by prompting either. She’s 12 years old and has been competing since she was seven. She participates in 400m & High Jump. 

I’d contemplated running in the 30 plus group for a couple of years. Really, for the nostalgia of it all. It’s been 33 years since running the track at Pratt. This past Saturday, I decided to go for it. I ran raw, naked, cold any one of the terms I could use to avoid saying I was ill-prepared. And I’d advise against doing that. I was running in the summer, and since stopped and added on 10 pounds; it’s my winter weight. 

When I heard that the 1500m was 7.5 lap I could have or maybe should have backed out, and I didn’t. I ran it, walked it,  ran it, and walked again. I came in last! I’m grateful that I felt no shame. After all there were hundreds of eyes on me. I felt no shame because I had fun, I was tired hurting and exhausted, and I had fun even through the grunts. 

I ran the 200m later which will forever go down as my redemption race. I came in first in my heat. I laughed so hard as I watched myself run because while I felt like I was gone with the wind fast, my age showed. It’s four days later and I’m still physically hurting. 

Someone asked, will I do it again? As the race occurs weekly for the next 5 weeks. Of course I will, as I have my own personal record (PR) to compete with. Each week I plan to get better and better. I also get to apply many of the lessons I’ve shared with my daughter during her many races; like stay focused, keep going, practice, have fun, it’s hard I know and you must keep pushing. 

I’m grateful for the memories we get to create together while I’m here and long after I’m gone, she can say, “I remember when...”

Keisha "Kiki" Orr

In all matters give thanks.


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