“I’m grateful... deeply grateful to have a mountain of evidence indicating that no matter where I am or when I start, it’s never too late to just bloom.”


I’m Keisha "Kiki" Orr, a 49-year-old working mother and novice blogger who strongly believes that it's never too late to have the life that you want. 

As the child of addicted parents, I grew up in the midst of dysfunction. To quote Langston Hughes, "life for me ain’t been no crystal stair." And yet in the words of Dr. Maya Angelou, "still I rise." 

I am the single mom of three daughters, two young adults and a tween. I worked my way up the corporate ladder to become a respected Human Resources professional in the Financial Technology industry. I'm also an empowered speaker, and I share the story of my personal journey from "Welfare to Wall Street." 

Music -- all kinds of music, but especially Hip-Hop and R&B -- has always been at the center of my life. So I channeled my love of music and storytelling into co-creating a musical memoir titled The Journey: Love and Live to Love Again, which I co-directed and co-produced as well. I’ve also coached, mentored and conducted workshops for people committed to living their best life. And interspersed through it all are the times when I felt that I should be much further along.

There were dark and debilitating disappointments: a miscarriage, a divorce, a short-sale, and the loss of the six-figure income that I depended on. Disappointment, however, is what really had me look at life differently because, in disappointment, I didn’t know who I was. I had become so attached to what I had and to what I had accomplished that when it was gone, I was riddled with doubt, fear, and unspeakable shame.

But that was then. I often remind myself of how far I’ve come. I look at my daughters, each of whom is accomplished in her own right, as the real measure of my success. So when I'm looking back, it’s really just me looking back at myself working through the feelings and the choices that led me to today.

I’m grateful... deeply grateful to have a mountain of evidence indicating that no matter where I am or when I start, it’s never too late to just bloom. That’s why I created this blog; so that you and I and other women -- whether a seedling or a perennial -- will have a place to explore what it means to just bloom.

I welcome your comments, insights and observations.


Kiki Orr

In all matters give thanks.

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